B. Folders
1. Add Command Prompt Option to Every
2. Folder Pictures in Thunbnail View
3. Thumbnail size and Quality
4. Customize “New Folder” and “New Shortcut” Text
5. Locking every Folder
6. Disable the Folder Option menu
7. Windows forgets your Folder settings
8. Add copy to/Move to at right click
9. Disable Thumbnail caching
10. Locking a particular folder
11. Invisible Folder
12. ZIP files are not Folders
13. Applying Background to any folder
14. Remove shortcut arrow
15. WIN+E single pane
1. Add Command Prompt Option to Every
To add Command Prompt Option to every folder right click menu do the following
1. Open Regedit. (type Regedit in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
3. Create a key named Command under shell
4. So that the path would be
5. On the right pane double click on default and set its value to Command
6. Now create a key named command under Command
7. So that the path would be
8. On the right pane double click on default and set its value to cmd.exe /k cd%1
just copy paste the following code In notepad and save it as cmd.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
""="Command Prompt"
""="cmd.exe /k cd %1"
2. Folder Pictures in Thunbnail View
We all know that images within a folder show up in Thumbnail view of the folder.
You can manually set only one picture to show up by going to
Properties>Customize>Choose Picture.
You can do this by another way also, let say you have a Folder having a lot of
picture to show a picture in thumbnail view just RENAME the PICTURE to
FOLDER.JPG and you are Done!!!
3. Thumbnail size and Quality
To increase/decrease the thumbnail size and quality just open Regedit and
navigate to
Now create two DWORD value named
ThumbnailSize and ThumbnailQuality and give their value as you wants. I
recommend ThumbnailSize=225 (decimal) and ThumbnailQuality=100 (decimal)
4. Rename New Folder
Whenever you create a new folder or a new shortcut the default name of that folder is "New Folder" or a "New shortcut" in case you created a shortcut.
In this tutorial i will show that how you can change the name of these two entries permanently, so that whenever you create a new folder you will can see your desired text.
What you need?
1. For this tutorial we need a software called Resource hacker which is freely available. Just download the software from here
2. After tweaking your system file you need to replace your system file with your modded file for that download Replacer
How to do?
1. Open "%windir%\System32\Shell32.dll" file in Resource Hacker and go to:
String Table -> 1896
2. Now in the right-side pane, you will see default "New Folder" and "New Shortcut" strings.
3. All you need to do is to replace the default string with your desired string and click Compile script at the end.
4. Then save the file as Shell32.dxx on desktop
5. Now open replacer >
6. Drag the original shell32.dll on it and press enter
7. when it ask for replcement file drag the file Shell32.dxx which you saved and hit enter
8. you need to restart your system to see changes.
5. Locking every Folder
To lock every folder so that no one can navigate in any of your computer open
Regedit and go to
And rename the subkey Shell to Shell._
6. Disable the Folder Option menu
To disable Folder Options navigate to
And to
Here, create the DWORD named NoFolderOptions
And set its value to 1(decimal) to hide the Folder Options. Reset it to 0(decimal) to enable Folder Options.
7. Windows forgets your Folder settings
Windows sometimes forgets your folder customizations i.e. whether folders are in thumbnail view, list view or in any other view their positions etc. This happens because windows by default can remember settings of 400 (in some cases it is 5000) folders only and as the 400 mark is reached it forgets the older settings.
Here’s how you can increase folder no
Navigate to
And to
And edit the value of DWORD value named BagMRU Size to any no maximum is 8000 (in decimal)
8. Add copy to/Move to at right click
Navigate to
Create a new key here called Copy To
So the path would look like this
Copy To
and set its default value to
Similarly, Create a new key called Move To under ContextMenuHandlers
So the path would look like this
Move To
And set its value to
9. Disable Thumbnail caching
Navigate to
Set the DWORD value names DisableThumbnailCache to 1
ClassicViewState to 1
10. Locking a particular folder
Let suppose you have a folder named Secret to lock this folder renames this folder
to Secret. {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} this will convert the folder
into Recycle bin now if someone tries to open this folder he will see the contents of
recycle bin.
Similarly you can convert any folder into the following special folder by just
renaming the folder
Media Clip {00022602-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Cabinet File {0CD7A5C0-9F37-11CE-AE65-08002B2E1262}
Taskbar and Start Menu {0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1}
My Network Places {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
My Computer {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Recycle Bin {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
Folder Option {6DFD7C5C-2451-11d3-A299-00C04F8EF6AF}
Network Connection {7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}
To unlock
Open Notepad and type the following as it is and save the file as unlock.bat
Ren Secret. {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Secret
And that’s it your folder will be unlocked.
11. Invisible Folder
To hide a folder select the folder and press F2 now press SPACE BAR and type [ALT]
+ 0160 and then press Enter.
Now, Go to Folder Properties >Customize and click on change icon
In the change Icon dialog box scroll for a blank space, select it and click Ok.
You are done!
12. ZIP files are not Folders
When you search for folders using windows search Zip files also comes in it. To make windows not to treat zip files as folder
Open RUN
Type regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll
13. Applying Background to any folder
1. You need to first make your folder a system folder for that open Command Prompt and set folder attribute to "system". For e.g. there is a folder "Ritesh" in "D:" drive, in which you want to set a wallpaper as background image. To do that open Command Prompt and type:
attrib +s D:\Ritesh
It'll change the attribute to "system".
2. Now open Notepad and paste following code:
{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}
Now change "Actualpathof_the_wallpaper" to the exact path of the wallpaper which you want to set as background. Suppose the wallpaper is located in "E:\Images\Ganesh.jpg", then the above code will be set to:
{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}
"IconArea_Text" is the text color, you can also change the text color for a particular folder (default is Black). You just need to place the code in "IconArea_Text" section. Some of the color codes are as follows:
Black - 0x00000000
White - 0x00FFFFFF
Green - 0x0000FF00
Blue - 0x00FF0000
Purple - 0x00C000C0
Red - 0x000000FF
Yellow - 0x0000FFFF
Indigo - 0x00FFFF00
3. Now save the file with name "Desktop.ini" (including quotes) in "D:\Ritesh" as in our e.g.
4. Now when you open your folder you will see backround in your folder
14. Remove shortcut arrow
For removing shortcut arrow from icons, folder and drives go to
In the right pane create a new string value named 29. Double click on 29 and set
its value to
Now, right click on the desktop & click Properties>Appearance>Advanced from
drop down menu choose icon. Set its size to 31 and press OK.
NOTE: If default size of icon is 31 then change it to 32
15. WIN+E single pane
What happens when you press WIN+E?
Yes explorer opens but it has a two pane layout
You can tweak registry to make explorer open in single pane layout for that
navigate to
Here modify the default key and change its value to [ViewFolder("%l", %I, %S)]
with brackets.
To revert back the setting change the value to [ExploreFolder("%l", %I, %S)]
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