How To: Identify a Language of a webpage or app

Sep 20, 2009

Most of the free translations services available online ask you to select the language you want to translate a text from. This means that if you don't know what language it is you can not translate it in your language

Using LangID you can know in which language a text was written and then use an external service to translate it. The output of LangID is very simple they provide-

  1. English name of the language,
  2. the ISO code and
  3. an icon rapresenting the flag of one of the countries this language is spoken in

LangID uses Google Ajax API to identify the languages.
Currently they support 85 languages

How to use it-
Just type the phrase or copy/paste from the webpage/application of which language you want to find out

and then click on Identify it button

and here is the output.


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Working as an Automation Analyst, Ritesh is very passionate about developing tools and apps. His profile contains a long list of tools developed for Windows and apps for Android platform.