Touch Interface for Windows 8
Touch Interface for Windows 8
According to some recent rumor reported by Paul Thurrott , Windows 8 will include a user interface optimized for the Tablet PC and slate-like Windows Phone 7, called "Mosh" (Modern Shell).Microsoft could therefore have intended to use the Windows true and for the next generation of tablet, not a derivative of Windows CE (Embedded Compact) come The porting on 'ARM architecture, which Ballmer made a demonstration at CES 2011 , will have a slate tablet and efficient, fanless, and with great autonomy.
Applications for Windows 8 will be distributed through a new format (. Appx), which presumably will contain everything the application needs to function, including metadata to allow the system to update it with a single click and sync it all up user devices.
New applications will be written in Silverlight / WPF, and you can then use the same code, with minor modifications, to create an application that runs on standard PC Phone Windows 7 and the new tablet.
An App Store and Touch Interface for Windows 8 would be interesting feature what do you say?
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