Orkut is blocked?

Mar 10, 2009

In my college Orkut, Twitter, and other social networking sites are blocked, this is not the problem with me alone you guys have also faced such similar problem in your school, college or work place. So in this tutorial i will tell you how to unblock these sites not only orkut but any site that your administartor has blocked, without letting them know.

Ok lets begin our tutorial-
What you need?

There are a lot of ways to open these restricted sites but the easier ones are Proxy
well these are just tip of the iceberg there are thousands such proxy sites which can help you to access the blocked sites.

Oh now you were thinking what if your college, or office admin block these proxy sites also than also no problem just visit here. Here is a long list of proxy sites availaible and its impossible to block all of them, even if they somehow manage to do this impossible task (may be they are GOD), then also if you just google around there's a wide range of never ending proxy's thus no need to worry.

You can use URL redirection technique
You can use URL redirecting services like Tiny URL and Short URL
Actually what happened when you type a url on address bar, then if a software or any firewall is configured to block that site it get its url from address bar check it and if it find it the blocked one it restrict your access. Suppose you typed www.orkut.com and if this url is present in firewall list than it will block it so just go to tinyurl.com and get your tinyurl from there and then type it in address bar now you can access the site.

If you faced any difficulty please let me know i will sort that out in no time


Vik said...

Nice work buddy . Very Helpful post.

Ritesh Kawadkar said...


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Working as an Automation Analyst, Ritesh is very passionate about developing tools and apps. His profile contains a long list of tools developed for Windows and apps for Android platform.