Sticky post in Blogger

Mar 17, 2009

Make your post sticky!

If you want one of your post to be sticky i.e. to made it appear as the first post at your homepage than follow the tutorial below to get it done.

1. Create a new post that you want to make sticky, and publish it.

2. Then immediately after publishing, edit the post.

3. Now click on Post options (present below the editor on bottom left side)

4. Here change the Post Date and Time to some future Date and Time (Give the date like 3/12/99 so as to make the post sticky till year 2099).

5. Now Publish the post.

NOTE: Change the date and time of the post after publishing of your post, otherwise it would become a scheduled post.


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Working as an Automation Analyst, Ritesh is very passionate about developing tools and apps. His profile contains a long list of tools developed for Windows and apps for Android platform.