Add Favourite Icon to your Blog

Feb 28, 2009

Now some of you may be wondering what the favorite icon is, the below image will clear you what is it

Step 1. Get yourself a unique image which you want as your favicon, but that image should be of 16x16 pixel size.

Step 2. I know most of you have set your mind to skip this tutorial as you have read to create a
16x16 image

Step 3. To create your own favicon you can use photoshop or other image editting tool. But I know it is really painfull to create a icon in photoshop but I've got a solution for you. Read this tutorial on how you can create your own favicon.

So for those who already have an image, we have to resize it to 16x16 as i said before.

You can use the online favicon generators like Dynamic Drive or Favicon

Step 4. Now once you have downloaded your favicon, you have to upload it on any image hosting website.

Step 5. Now copy the link to the favicon and go Layout->Edit HTML on your blog.
all you have to do is insert the following piece of code just before
<head> tag of your blog's template.

<link href="http://YOUR_IMAGE_ADDRESS_HERE.gif" rel="shortcut icon" type="image/"></link>

Step 6. Change the code "
http://YOUR_IMAGE_ADDRESS_HERE.gif" to your favicon's link.

Step 7. Save your template and There you have it ! Your own favicon.

The fun part is you can change it when you have a cool new one in your mind, just upload it and change the url in your template, Simple !

If you want to see awesome favicons by different people you can visit Smashing Magazine's 50 remarkable Favicons

If you need any just leave a reply here

READ MORE - Add Favourite Icon to your Blog

Stop cut, copy, paste and delete

I have created a utility which will stop cut, copy, paste and delete functionality in your system. Once you have started this program you are not able to use cut, copy, paste and delete in your computer.

All windows versions (Not tested yet against Windows 7)

Where to use?
You have faced situation when someone maybe your friend or any anonymous user copies your data which you don't want to share with him. And just imagine the worst if they delete your important data then, this is really a serious problem.

So do you want to restrict cut, copy, paste and delete functionality on your system so that this data theft or losss can be cured than just download this utility and run it.

Now whenever someone try to cut, copy or delete a file/folder, nothing will happen. No keyboard shortcut will work. So your data would be safe.

How to start it automatically?
If you want Windows to automatically start the application at each startup, then create its shortcut and paste in "Startup" folder in Programs menu.

READ MORE - Stop cut, copy, paste and delete

How to protect ur system from VIRUS

Feb 27, 2009

NOTE:You must unhide the system files first.

This How To helps a lot to those pupil who don't want any virus in there computer. This how to deals with protecting your system from virus that enters your computer from Pen drives and other removable drives

You should do following thing to protect your system from VIRUSES-

1. HAve an updated antivirus program i recommend Quick Heal plus 2008 because it actually repairs the file in 90% cases.

2. If u recieve an email attachment from an unknown source delete it

3. If u recieve an email attachment from one of your freind, first confirm from it and before opening read the complete file name of the attachment. Viruses most probably have the extension like these

"school girl.avi.vbs", "hot.jpeg.bat" etc always look at the last extension.

4. When you want to use a pen drive or any usb drive, CD/DVD Drive then as soon as you connect the drive presss SHIFT key it disables AUTORUN. Now scan it from ur antivirus program. If u r not satisfied then do the following

open cmd

type the drive letter of ur usb drive say H: and press enter

now look for the Autorun file if any using DIR command

If there exist AUTORUN file then type AUTORUN.INF and press enter

the autorun file is now opened in notepad
Sample Autorun File[autorun]
open=foo.exe bar
action=Foo Bar
label=My backup data

Observe which program is executing automatically as in the above example

Foo.exe, setup.exe, option1.exe, option2.exe are executing automatically

so to delete them go to cmd prompt

type the drive letter say h:

and then type

attrib autorun.inf -s -a -h -r
del autorun.inf
attrib foo.exe -s -a -h -r
del foo.exe
attrib setup.exe -s -a -h -r
del setup.exe.exe
attrib option1.exe -s -a -h -r
del option1.exe
attrib option2.exe -s -a -h -r
del option2.exe

Now u r safe to open your drive.

Here is another way to customize the autorun option

No autorun at all1810xb5
Autorun only CDROMs1490x95
Autorun only flash drives1770xb1
Autorun both CDROMs and flashdrives (the default)1450x91

5. If you have created setting in your email to view the emails without opening it that is on clicking one of the email its preview is enabled then also

disable it, because it also harms ur computer.

Image Credits:
READ MORE - How to protect ur system from VIRUS

C Program to Propose a girl

#define Cute beautiful_lady

goto college;

if(lady ==Cute)
while( !reply )

printf("I Love U");



if(reply == "GAALI")
main(); /* go back and repeat the process */

else if(reply == "SANDAL ")

else if(reply == "I Love U")
lover =Cute ;
love = (heart*)malloc(sizeof(lover));
goto restaurant;
pay->money = lover->money;
goto cinema;
if(time ==6.00)
goto park;
for(time=6.30;time<= 8.30;time+=0.001)
kiss = kiss+1;


Another program
#define Cute beautiful_lady
goto college;
if(lady ==Cute )
while( !reply )
printf("I Love U");
if(reply == "GAALI")
main(); /* go back and repeat the process */
else if(reply == "SANDAL ")
exit(1); //exit with an error code
else if(reply == "I Love U")
lover =Cute ;
love = (heart*)malloc(sizeof(lover));
goto restaurant;
pay->money = lover->money;
goto cinema;

if(time ==6.00)
goto park;
if(time ==9.30)
goto pub;
if(pub.close()){ pay->bill;
if (highly->intoxicated)
goto friendsroom;
friendsroom: { goto sleep; }
sleep: { *(dream)=love; }


READ MORE - C Program to Propose a girl

How to create an invisible DRIVE and FOLDER

Yes, it is possible to craete invisible drives that remain there only but nobody can see it.

The idea of creating this invisible drive struk my mind when I came to knew how to create a invisible folder. So i must first tell you how to create an invisible folder. To create an invisible folder first create a folder say“Ritesh”. Now right click on the folder and select Rename. Now while pressing ALT click 0160 (ALT+0+1+6+0) and hit enter. You will get a folder with no name. so our half process is done now you need to hide the folder to hide it right click the folder and click on

properties > customize > change icon

Now look for an empty space in the change icon dialog box and click on it and then click ok. Now you are done you will have an invivsible folder.

So you have created an invisible folder. Now, after creating invisible folder the idea of making invisible hard drive is quite simple

The only 2 problem are that

  • How to change drive icons.
  • How to remove drive letters.

First, Rename the drive that you want to hide by the method given above for folders.then follow these steps

  1. To change drive icons navigate to

HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer

Create a new key DriveIcons

In this key again create a key named C (Drive letter of the drive which you wnt to hide)

In this key again create a key name it  DefaultIcon

Now the path will be

HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer>DriveIcons > C > DefaultIcon

On the right pane you will find a string named Default double click the string and enter the full path of the balnk icon in it which is


which is the path of blank icon.

2. Now we have hided the drive icon now to hide drive letter from appearing navigate to

HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer

Now on the right pane craete a  DWORD name it ShowDriveLettersFirstand give it the value 2 in DECIMAL

Now Logoff/Logon your system to see the changes.

READ MORE - How to create an invisible DRIVE and FOLDER

How to get Theme for Gmail

Yes you read that right finally we have a theme for Gmail. This theme is designed by  
Google Redesigned is a Mozilla Firefox extension designed by Globex Designs that aims to fully redesign the look and feel of popular Google services. They achieved this with Cascading StyleSheet (CSS) files which are loaded on the client's browser. The extension simplifies the use of these styles by providing auto-updates, easy management and notifications of changes. A little Introduction About Google Redesigned
Google Redesigned originally started as a single CSS file which tried to redesign Google's Gmail service. It has since grown to incorporate other various Google services and pages. Previously users of these styles would have to rely on other extensions such as Stylish, Greasemonkey or Web Developer to load these styles onto their browser which caused problems with updates, bug submission and version tracking. The Google Redesigned extension aims to solve all those problems by offering the popular Globex Designs styles in a single, self-updating extension. Below are the screenshots Gmail: Gmail Redesigned Gmail Redesigned

Gmail Redesigned Gmail Redesigned Gmail Redesigned Gmail Redesigned GReader Redesigned

READ MORE - How to get Theme for Gmail

VBscript fun!

Heres a few .vbs scripts i found. All you have to do it copy and paste the code into notepad and save it as "any name".vbs
where "any name" is put whatever you want to save it as, just make sure it has .vbs on the end

Disco on your keyboard

Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

to end the script press CRTL+ALT+DEL go to the processes tab and end wscript

Make the computer talk

strText = "your message here"
Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
objVoice.Speak strText

Where the text "your message here" is type what you want the computer to say. This process ends by itself

Make the computer go "ding" then popup a messege

Set objVoice = CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")
Set objFile = CreateObject("SAPI.SpFileStream.1")

objFile.Open "c:\Windows\Media\Ding.wav"
objVoice.Speakstream objFile
Wscript.Echo "your message here"

where the "c:\windows\Media\Ding.wav" put what sound file you want to be played. I think it only likes .wav i havent tryed out .wma or .mp3 yet. Also where it says "your message here" is the message that gets dispalyed after the sound

Make the Microsoft Office assistant popup and say something

On Error Resume Next

strAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
strAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")

objAgent2.Connected = TRUE
objAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)

objPeter.MoveTo 700,300

objPeter.Play "GetAttention"
objPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"

objPeter.Speak("your message here")

Wscript.Sleep 1000

Set objAction= objPeter.Hide

Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250

This script ends by itself. where it says "your message here" type what you want it to say.

Error message

lol = msgbox("your message here")

where it say your message here type what the error message should say

A Scribbling Notepad

save the below code as note.vbs and then execute it and see wat hpns

it will not harm u

Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "Notepad"
wscript.sleep 400
wshshell.sendkeys "H"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "i"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys "I"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "a"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "m"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "R"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "i"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "t"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "e"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "s"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "h"
wscript.sleep 200
wshshell.sendkeys " "
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "K"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "a"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "w"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "a"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "d"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "k"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "a"
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "r"

Agent Prank

On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("Hi I'm merlin here to take control of your computer")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("downloading virus . . . 20% . . . 40% . . . 60% . . . 80% . . . 100% virus downloaded")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("watch as I open your cd drive")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100

Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.CdromCollection

If colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For I = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If

Wscript.Sleep 100
On Error Resume Next
StrAgentName2 = "MERLIN"
StrAgentPath2 = "C:\Windows\Msagent\Chars\" & strAgentName2 & ".Acs"
Set objAgent2 = CreateObject("Agent.Control.2")
ObjAgent2.Connected = TRUE
ObjAgent2.Characters.Load strAgentName2, strAgentPath2
Set objPeter = objAgent2.Characters.Character(strAgentName2)
ObjPeter.MoveTo 700,300
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttention"
ObjPeter.Play "GetAttentionReturn"
ObjPeter.Speak("lol I now open internet explorer")
Wscript.Sleep 1000
Set objAction= objPeter.Hide
Do While objPeter.Visible = True
Wscript.Sleep 250
Wscript.Sleep 100
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "iexplore http://www.Google.Com", 9
WScript.Sleep 10000 ' Give ie some time to load

READ MORE - VBscript fun!

SHUTdown remote Computer

Type shutdown –s into command prompt and that will give a message that the computer will shutdown in 30 seconds.
U can abort the shutdown by just typing shutdown -a & it will abort the shutdown.

Everyone knew about this command, to get more information about a particular command go to cmd and type
command_name /?

Now the switch which i like the most is -m
have you ever used it.The –m switch will let you shut down computers on the network and all you need is the ip address or the computer name. Once you get the ip address or the computer name just type shutdown –s –m \”ip address/computer name” in to cmd prompt you can use any switch with this command.

READ MORE - SHUTdown remote Computer

How to Create a Hidden User Account

Create a Hidden User Account
By using this registry tweak you will be able to hide your account from the Logon Screen and from Control panel users accounts. This tweak works on Windows NT / 2000 and XP, I've not tried it on VISTA.

What you need?
1. An user account with password

How to-
1-Create an Account with password
2-Go to Regedit
3-Navigate to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\ CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

4- Create a new DWORD Value under UserList
5-Give it the name to the name of the Account you want to Hide
6-Set the Value Data of this DWORD Value to 0 to hide it and 1 unhide
7- You need to reboot the system to see the changes to take place

Now after rebooting the system you will not be able to see your account on logon Screen now press Ctrl+Alt+Delete when logon Screen Appear another access dialog will appear type your hidden user name and password and press Enter

READ MORE - How to Create a Hidden User Account

Google hacking

Google hacking part-1

There are many search features in GOOGLE but i have included important ones that are used in day to day life.

To see weather information just type in "weather" followed by the city or state name
eg. weather bhopal

Time: To see time at different places type in "time" and the name of the city.
eg. time london

To do maths complicated problem just type any mathematical expression followed by a "="
eg. 2*(3+5/2)+999999-1=

Unit Conversion:
You can use Google to convert between many different units of measurement of height, weight, and mass among others. Just enter your desired conversion into the search box and we’ll do the rest.
Eg. 10.5 cm in inches

Dictionary Definitions: o see a definition for a word or phrase, simply type the word "define" then a space, then the word(s) you want defined. To see a list of different definitions from various online sources, you can type "define:" followed by a word or phrase. Note that the results will define the entire phrase.
eg. Define computer

Currency Conversion:
To use built-in currency converter, simply enter the conversion you’d like done into the Google search box
eg. 1 indian rupee in usd

Plus (+) Operator: Google ignores common words and characters such as where, the, how, and other digits and letters that slow down your search without improving the results. If a common word is essential to getting the results you want, you can make sure we pay attention to it by putting a "+" sign in front of it.
eg. peanut butter +and jelly

Info provides information about a given web page.


Google hacking part-2

To search for a phrase, supply the phrase surrounded by double quotes (" ").

An asterisk (*) represents any word—not the completion of a word, as is traditionally used.

The site:
operator instructs Google to restrict a search to a specific web site or domain. The web site to search must be supplied after the colon.
E.g: Photoshop tips site:

The filetype:
operator instructs Google to search only within the text of a particular type of file. The file type to search must be supplied after the colon. Don't include a period before the file extension. The following will search sonu nigam in the file type specified
E.g. sonu nigam filetype:mp3

The link: operator instructs Google to search within hyperlinks for a search term.

The cache: operator displays the version of a web page as it appeared when Google crawled the site. The URL of the site must be supplied after the colon.

The intitle:
operator instructs Google to search for a term within the title of a document. The following will result in having index of in the title and fort minor mp3 in the content.
e.g. "intitle:index of" fort minor mp3

The inurl:
operator instructs Google to search first within the URL (web address) of a document. The search term must follow the colon. The following will search for ritesh in url and regedit in the document
E.g. inurl:ritesh regedit

The allintitle: This modifier when used will limit all your search queries to within the title.
e.g. allintitle:santa banta
READ MORE - Google hacking

How To: Reset Forgotten Windows Admin Password

It is just a % step simple procedure and 100% working

Step 1
Take a Windows bootable CD and insert it into your CD-ROM. Boot your computer with the Windows CD as if you were doing the Windows installation. When the CD starts working, you will be prompted to “Press any key to boot from CD”.

Step 2
Go through the steps until you will see a setup screen where it requires you to choose from one of two options: Install Windows or Repair Windows

Step 3
Press “R” to start repair of the windows. The Setup will start copying the files from CD to your PC hard drive. Wait for few minutes; the computer will then reboot itself automatically.

Step 4
The GUI (Graphical User Interface) screen of Windows Setup will be shown on the screen. You will need to go to the command prompt.
If you are using Windows 2000, wait until the setup comes to the place where it says, “Registering Components.” There you are going to pres the “Shift+ F10” key.
If you are using Windows XP, wait until you see a progress bar in the left where it says, “Installing devices.” There you are going to press the “Shift + F10” key.

Step 5
Now that you have opened the command prompt, you will need to get access to the control panel. Here is how:
If using Windows 2000, type “control.exe” in command prompt without quotes. If using Windows XP, type “nusrmgr.cpl” in command prompt without quotes.

Step 6
Now that you have access to the control panel, you can reset or set a new password using the control panel administration/password utilities. When you are complete, close the command prompt and wait until the repair is completed. Restart your computer and login with your new password.

Hope you enjoy
READ MORE - How To: Reset Forgotten Windows Admin Password

How To: Remove “Update Your Computer Now” dialog box

  • It is just a one line procedure
  • open start and go to Run and type
  • net stop wuauserv

Sign by Danasoft - Get Your Free Sign

READ MORE - How To: Remove “Update Your Computer Now” dialog box

How to become a System User

Before I begin this Tutorial a small introduction of System User for those who don't know what is a system user. In windows XP there are basically 4 users, differntiated based on their privilegs, they are
  • System
  • Administrator
  • Limited User, and
  • Guest
System user has got the top privileges in all the users.

Whenever you open taskmanager (CTRL+ALT+DEL) you get a long list of processes running on it.

As you can see that a lot of processses are running with user name System.

Most System processes are required by the operating system, and cannot be closed, even by an Administrator account. Attempting to close them will result in a error message, and even a forceful attempt to close ant System User run process may even let your system to shutdown.

So here is the tutorial showing how you can get privilegs of System user (Under normal condition You can not log into system account).

Before doing any thing please make sure that you are logged in as Administrator
  • Go to command prompt and type this command
C:\> at "time" /interactive "cmd.exe"
Eg : C:\> at 13:11 /interactive "cmd.exe"

This will open a new command prompt at 13:11.

  • When the system clock reaches the time you set, then a new command prompt will run. The difference is that this one is running with system privileges (because it was started by the task scheduler service, which runs under the Local System account).
  • In this command prompt You’ll notice that the title bar has changed from cmd.exe to svchost.exe
  • Now go to task manager and end the process titled "explorer.exe"
  • Close the old command prompt...
  • At the system command prompt, enter in the following: explorer.exe and hit enter
  • Now its done, Go to Start and check whether you are logged in as Administrator or System user.

FIX: Open the services control panel (Start > Run > services.msc) and disable the Task Scheduler service.
READ MORE - How to become a System User

All Hacks and Cracks part-4


C. Desktop, Start Menu & Taskbar

1. Prevents users from shutting down or restarting Windows
2. Force use of classic start menu
3. Removes the "Log OFF” item from the Startmenu
4. Disable Recent Documents
5. Reduce start menu delay
6. Disable right click on start button
7. Hide All Programs
8. Hide the username on start menu
9. Removing Start Menu Options
10. No more system tray
11. Missing Desktop icon in quick launch
12. Remove Templates
13. Disable right click on desktop
14. Lock icons of desktop
15. Hide Desktop icon’s
16. Hiding Recycle Bin
17. Recycle bin Attributes


1. Prevents users from shutting down or
restarting Windows

This tweak will remove Turn Off button from Start menu as well as from Task manager also. This setting removes the Shut Down option from the Start menu and disables the Shut Down button on the Windows Security dialog box, which appears when you press CTRL+ALT+DEL.

This setting prevents users from using the Windows user interface to shut down the system, although it does not prevent them from running programs that shut down Windows. For enabling this tweak go to

User Configuration> Administrative Template> Start Menu & Taskbar

On right pane double click on Remove and Prevents access to the shut down command and enable the setting.


Navigate to


And to


Here, create or modify the DWORD called NoClose and set its value to 1.

Reset it to 0 to enable shutdown.

2. Force use of classic start menu

This tweak loads the Classic Start Menu and makes it impossible to change back to
the Windows XP version
Go to
1. Start > Run > Regedit
2. Navigate to
3. Modify/Create the DWORD Value of Data type REG_DWORD Named

Value Data: [0 = Default / 1 = Force Classic Start Menu]

3. Removes the "Log OFF” item from the
Start menu

If you enable this setting, the Log Off item does not appear in the Start menu. This setting also removes the Display Logoff item from Start Menu Options. As a result, users cannot restore the Log Off item to the Start Menu.

This setting affects the Start menu only. It does not affect the Log Off item on the Windows Security dialog box that appears when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, and it does not prevent users from using other methods to log off.

To enable this setting go to

User Configuration> Administrative Template> Start Menu & Taskbar

And on the right pane double click on Remove Log Off on the start menu
And enable it.

Tip: To add or remove the Log Off item on a computer, click Start, click Settings, click Taskbar and Start Menu, click the Start Menu Options tab and, in the Start Menu Settings box, click Display Logoff.

4. Disable Recent Documents

1. Go to
2. Create a DWORD named NoRecentDocsMenu and set its value to 1. To stop
Windows from tracking recent documents, create a DWORD value named
NoRecentDocsHistory and set it to 1.

5. Reduce start menu delay

Navigate to
Simply change the value of MenuShowDelay to 0.

6. Disable right click on start button

Navigate to
And to
In both these keys rename shell to shell._
To re-enable simply again rename it back to shell

7. Hide All Programs

You can hide All Programs menu from start menu by using the following hack
Navigate to
And to
Create a DWORD named NoStratMenuMorePrograms and set its value to 1.

8. Hide the username on start menu

Use this hack to hide username which is displayed in the start menu, to disable it
navigate through
And to
Create a DWORD named NoUserNameInStratMenu and set its value to 1.


Got to

User Configuration> Administrative Template> Start Menu & Taskbar

And double click on Remove user name from start menu and Enable it.

9. Removing Start Menu Options

Many of the options on the Start menu can be removed. To delete the option shown below, add the indicated DWORD registry setting, with a value of 1, to


Start Menu Option- Registry Setting
Documents- NoRecentDocsMenu
Favorites- NoFavoritesMenu
Run- NoRun
Shut Down- NoClose
Log Off- NoLogOff
Control Panel- NoSetFolders
Printers- NoSetFolders
Taskbar & Start Menu- NoSetTaskbar
Folder Options- NoFolderOptions
Active Desktop- NoSetActiveDesktop

10. No more system tray

You will find the setting under (open gpedit.msc)
User Configuration> Administrative Template> Start Menu & Taskbar
Double click on
Hide the Notification area
And choose enabled. When you logon next, you will see the system clock in the tray, which you can also remove by right clicking on the taskbar, selecting Properties and un-checking show the clock


Navigate to
And to

Create a new DWORD value in both locations called NoTrayItemsDisplay. Set its
value to 1 to destroy the system tray.

11. Missing Desktop icon in quick launch

Type the following lines in Notepad as it is and save the file as Desktop.scf
Common=Toggle Desktop

12. Remove Templates

When you right click on desktop and go to new then a large list of programs installed in your system are displayed in front of you allowing you to create files. If you want to remove those unwanted templates navigate to

For WordPad HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.doc\WordPad.Document.1\ShellNew

For wav files HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.wav\ShellNew
For rich text document HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.rtf\ShellNew
For zip files HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.zip\ShellNew
For briefcase HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bfc\ShellNew
For bitmaps HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.bmp\ShellNew
For text file HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.txt\ShellNew
And Renme ShellNew to ShellNew_

Also if you have any more templates which I had not mentioned than just go to the extension of the template and rename ShellNew to ShellNew_

13. Disable right click on desktop

Navigate to
And to
Create a new DWORD value in both locations called NoViewContextMenu Set its
value to 1 to disable right clicking on desktop altogether.

14. Lock icons of desktop

Want to make your desktop icons setting intact from other users navigate through
On right pane create anew DWORD and name it NoSaveSettings and modify its value to 1(in dec)

15. Hide Desktop icon’s

This tweak will hide desktop icons and even disable right click on the desktop
Navigate to
Create a new DWORD name it NoDesktop and set its value to 1 to enable it.

16. Prevent access to certain drive

To hide recycle bin from desktop go to
And delete the subkey named {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

17. Recycle bin Attributes


On the right pane click on a BINARY value attribute and edit its value to the following

Rename 50 01 00 20
Delete 60 01 00 20
Rename and Delete 70 01 00 20
Copy 41 01 00 20
Cut 42 01 00 20
Cut and Copy 43 01 00 20
Paste 44 01 00 20
Copy and Paste 45 01 00 20
Cut and Paste 46 01 00 20
Cut, Copy and Paste 47 01 00 20

READ MORE - All Hacks and Cracks part-4

All Hacks And Cracks part-3


C. My Computer

1. Remove Shared Documents and My Documents Folder

2. Prevent access to certain drive
3. Remove Shared Folder
4. Add Recycle Bin in My computer
5. Hide drives in my Computer
6. Remove properties option from my computer
7. Invisible Folder and Drive
8. Remove Compression Option In Disk Cleanup


1. Remove Shared Documents and My Documents Folder

Want to remove Shared Documents and My Documents folder from My Computer here is the way how you can get rid of it.
1. Open Regedit. (type Regedit in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to

3. And delete the subkey

Hate editing Registry so here’s a simple and clean way
1. Open Group Policy Editor. (Type gpedit.msc in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to User Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows
Components> Windows Explorer.

3. On the right pane double click on option Remove Shared Documents folder
from My Computer and Enable it.

2. Prevent access to certain drive

This is an ultimate restriction if you want that no one access you’re hard drives accept you than it is what you are looking for. This tweak will disable access to your drives even their contents are not visible by using dir command or by using search.
Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Polici es\Explorer
And to
Policies \Explorer

Here create a new DWORD named NoViewOnDrive and set its value to 4(in dec) if you want to restrict your C drive.

For restricting other drives set the value accordingly

A 1
B 2
C 4
D 8
E 16
F 32
G 64
H 128
I 256
J 512
K 1024
L 2048
M 4096
N 8192
0 16384
P 32768
Q 65536
R 131072
S 262144
T 524288
U 1048576
V 2097152
W 4194304
X 8388608
Y 16777216
Z 33554432
ALL DRIVES 67108863

FOR EG: To hide drive C and D, you would add 4(for C) and 8(for D) which would be 12 and then set the value of NoViewOnDrive to 12 in order to restrict drives C and D.


Go to
User Configuration> Administrative Template> Windows Component> WindowsExplorer

And double click on Prevent access to drives from My Computer and Enable it and select the drives you want to prevent

3. Remove Shared Folder

To remove the Shared Documents folder follow the given steps
1. Open Regedit. (Type Regedit in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to

3. On right pane create a Binary value named NoSharedDocuments and set its
value to 1, to revert back just delete the key

4. Add Recycle Bin in My computer

To add recycle bin in My Computer go to

Create a subkey named {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} under NameSpace

Complete path would like this

Explorer\MyComputer\NameSpace\ {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-

And you will have Recycle Bin in you’re my Computer

5. Hide drives in my Computer

To hide drives in My Computer navigate through


And create a DWORD and name it NoDrives and give it value 03ffffff (in hex)

To revert back, just delete the following DWORD created.

6. Remove properties option from my

This tweak hides the system properties screen and remove the properties option from my computer.
Navigate to

And to

Create a new DWORD value in both locations called NoPropertiesMyComputer.
Set its value to 1 to hide the properties option.

7. Invisible Folder and Drive

Yes, it is possible to create invisible drives that remain there only but nobody can see it.

The idea of creating this invisible drive struck my mind when I came to knew how to create an invisible folder. So I must first tell you how to create an invisible folder. To create invisible folders first create a folder say "Ritesh". Now right click on the folder and select Rename.

Now while pressing ALT click 0160 (ALT+0+1+6+0) and hit enter. You will get a folder with no name. So our half process is done now you need to hide the folder to hide it right click the folder and click on

Properties > customize > change icon

Now look for an empty space in the change icon dialog box and click on it and then click ok.
Now you are done!

You will have an invisible folder.

So you have created an invisible folder. Now, after creating invisible folder the idea of making
invisible hard drive is quite simple
The only 2 problem are that
1. How to change drive icons.
2. How to remove drive letters.

First, rename the drive that you want to hide by the method given above for folders. Then follow
these steps
1. To change drive icons navigate to
HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer
Create a new key DriveIcons

In this key again create a key named C (Drive letter of the drive which you want to hide)
In this key again create a key name it DefaultIcon

Now the path will be

HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer> DriveIcons > C> DefaultIcon

On the right pane you will find a string named Default double click the string and enter the full path of the blank icon in it which is
This is the path of blank icon.

2. Now we have hided the drive icon now to hide drive letter from appearing navigate to

HKLM > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Explorer

Now on the right pane create a DWORD name it ShowDriveLettersFirst and give it the value 2

Now Logoff/Logon your system to see the changes you have made.

8. Remove Compression Option In Disk Cleanup

Go to-
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Compress old files

Delete the Default Value Key and the next time you start Disk Cleanup, it will skip
the compression analysis

READ MORE - All Hacks And Cracks part-3

All Hacks and Crack part-2


B. Folders

1. Add Command Prompt Option to Every

2. Folder Pictures in Thunbnail View
3. Thumbnail size and Quality
4. Customize “New Folder” and “New Shortcut” Text
5. Locking every Folder
6. Disable the Folder Option menu
7. Windows forgets your Folder settings
8. Add copy to/Move to at right click
9. Disable Thumbnail caching
10. Locking a particular folder
11. Invisible Folder
12. ZIP files are not Folders
13. Applying Background to any folder
14. Remove shortcut arrow
15. WIN+E single pane


1. Add Command Prompt Option to Every

To add Command Prompt Option to every folder right click menu do the following
1. Open Regedit. (type Regedit in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell
3. Create a key named Command under shell
4. So that the path would be
5. On the right pane double click on default and set its value to Command
6. Now create a key named command under Command
7. So that the path would be
8. On the right pane double click on default and set its value to cmd.exe /k cd%1
just copy paste the following code In notepad and save it as cmd.reg
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
""="Command Prompt"
""="cmd.exe /k cd %1"

2. Folder Pictures in Thunbnail View

We all know that images within a folder show up in Thumbnail view of the folder.
You can manually set only one picture to show up by going to
Properties>Customize>Choose Picture.
You can do this by another way also, let say you have a Folder having a lot of
picture to show a picture in thumbnail view just RENAME the PICTURE to
and you are Done!!!

3. Thumbnail size and Quality

To increase/decrease the thumbnail size and quality just open Regedit and
navigate to
Now create two DWORD value named
ThumbnailSize and ThumbnailQuality and give their value as you wants. I
recommend ThumbnailSize=225 (decimal) and ThumbnailQuality=100 (decimal)

4. Rename New Folder

Whenever you create a new folder or a new shortcut the default name of that folder is "New Folder" or a "New shortcut" in case you created a shortcut.
In this tutorial i will show that how you can change the name of these two entries permanently, so that whenever you create a new folder you will can see your desired text.

What you need?
1. For this tutorial we need a software called Resource hacker which is freely available. Just download the software from here
2. After tweaking your system file you need to replace your system file with your modded file for that download Replacer

How to do?
1. Open "%windir%\System32\Shell32.dll" file in Resource Hacker and go to:
String Table -> 1896


2. Now in the right-side pane, you will see default "New Folder" and "New Shortcut" strings.


3. All you need to do is to replace the default string with your desired string and click Compile script at the end.


4. Then save the file as Shell32.dxx on desktop

5. Now open replacer >

6. Drag the original shell32.dll on it and press enter

7. when it ask for replcement file drag the file Shell32.dxx which you saved and hit enter

8. you need to restart your system to see changes.

5. Locking every Folder

To lock every folder so that no one can navigate in any of your computer open
Regedit and go to
And rename the subkey Shell to Shell._

6. Disable the Folder Option menu

To disable Folder Options navigate to
And to
Here, create the DWORD named NoFolderOptions
And set its value to 1(decimal) to hide the Folder Options. Reset it to 0(decimal) to enable Folder Options.

7. Windows forgets your Folder settings

Windows sometimes forgets your folder customizations i.e. whether folders are in thumbnail view, list view or in any other view their positions etc. This happens because windows by default can remember settings of 400 (in some cases it is 5000) folders only and as the 400 mark is reached it forgets the older settings.

Here’s how you can increase folder no
Navigate to
And to
And edit the value of DWORD value named BagMRU Size to any no maximum is 8000 (in decimal)

8. Add copy to/Move to at right click

Navigate to
Create a new key here called Copy To
So the path would look like this
Copy To

and set its default value to
Similarly, Create a new key called Move To under ContextMenuHandlers
So the path would look like this
Move To

And set its value to

9. Disable Thumbnail caching

Navigate to
Set the DWORD value names DisableThumbnailCache to 1
ClassicViewState to 1

10. Locking a particular folder

Let suppose you have a folder named Secret to lock this folder renames this folder
to Secret. {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} this will convert the folder
into Recycle bin now if someone tries to open this folder he will see the contents of
recycle bin.
Similarly you can convert any folder into the following special folder by just
renaming the folder
Media Clip {00022602-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}
Cabinet File {0CD7A5C0-9F37-11CE-AE65-08002B2E1262}
Taskbar and Start Menu {0DF44EAA-FF21-4412-828E-260A8728E7F1}
My Network Places {208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}
My Computer {20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}
Recycle Bin {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
Folder Option {6DFD7C5C-2451-11d3-A299-00C04F8EF6AF}
Network Connection {7007ACC7-3202-11D1-AAD2-00805FC1270E}

To unlock
Open Notepad and type the following as it is and save the file as unlock.bat
Ren Secret. {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Secret
And that’s it your folder will be unlocked.

11. Invisible Folder

To hide a folder select the folder and press F2 now press SPACE BAR and type [ALT]
+ 0160 and then press Enter.
Now, Go to Folder Properties >Customize and click on change icon
In the change Icon dialog box scroll for a blank space, select it and click Ok.
You are done!

12. ZIP files are not Folders

When you search for folders using windows search Zip files also comes in it. To make windows not to treat zip files as folder
Open RUN
Type regsvr32 /u zipfldr.dll

13. Applying Background to any folder

1. You need to first make your folder a system folder for that open Command Prompt and set folder attribute to "system". For e.g. there is a folder "Ritesh" in "D:" drive, in which you want to set a wallpaper as background image. To do that open Command Prompt and type:

attrib +s D:\Ritesh

It'll change the attribute to "system".

2. Now open Notepad and paste following code:

{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}


Now change "Actualpathof_the_wallpaper" to the exact path of the wallpaper which you want to set as background. Suppose the wallpaper is located in "E:\Images\Ganesh.jpg", then the above code will be set to:

{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} = {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}


"IconArea_Text" is the text color, you can also change the text color for a particular folder (default is Black). You just need to place the code in "IconArea_Text" section. Some of the color codes are as follows:

Black - 0x00000000
White - 0x00FFFFFF
Green - 0x0000FF00
Blue - 0x00FF0000
Purple - 0x00C000C0
Red - 0x000000FF
Yellow - 0x0000FFFF
Indigo - 0x00FFFF00

3. Now save the file with name "Desktop.ini" (including quotes) in "D:\Ritesh" as in our e.g.

4. Now when you open your folder you will see backround in your folder

14. Remove shortcut arrow

For removing shortcut arrow from icons, folder and drives go to
In the right pane create a new string value named 29. Double click on 29 and set
its value to
Now, right click on the desktop & click Properties>Appearance>Advanced from
drop down menu choose icon. Set its size to 31 and press OK.
NOTE: If default size of icon is 31 then change it to 32

15. WIN+E single pane

What happens when you press WIN+E?
Yes explorer opens but it has a two pane layout
You can tweak registry to make explorer open in single pane layout for that
navigate to
Here modify the default key and change its value to [ViewFolder("%l", %I, %S)]
with brackets.
To revert back the setting change the value to [ExploreFolder("%l", %I, %S)]

READ MORE - All Hacks and Crack part-2

All Hacks n Cracks part-1


A. Mouse and Keyboard

1. Turn ON Your PC on mouse or Keyboard 1 click
2. Know your BIOS
3. Disable Windows Shortcut Key
4. Swap Ctrl + Alt + Del functioning
5. Change the Default NumLock State
6. Define keys on your Keyboard different functions
7. Windows key combination
8. Cursor's Blink Rate
9. Swap Mouse Buttons


1. Turn ON Your PC on mouse or Keyboard 1 click

If you want to start up PC by just 1 right click of your mouse or 1 touch of Keyboard do the following-

1. Start your computer
2. Press DEL button to enter BIOS
3. Click on Power Management Setup
4. Then Enable the option which says Mouse Power On and Keyboard Power On
5. For Enabling just click on the desired option and press PageUP button
6. Then press F10 and hit enter

NOTE: Only for USB PS 2 Mouse and Keyboard. Also, you need to first start your PC manually after then for starting your PC this TWEAK will work.

2. Know your BIOS

If you want to know your Bios Version, Video Bios Date, and System Bios Date then navigate to
And on the right pane you will find all these information’s.

3. Disable Windows Shortcut Key

If you want to prevent users from using shortcuts like [Windows + R] and so on
1. Open Group Policy Editor. (Type gpedit.msc in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to User Configuration>Administrative Templates>Windows Components> Windows Explorer.
3. On the right pane double click on option turn off windows + X hot keys and Enable it.

4. Swap Ctrl + Alt + Del functioning

What happen when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del? Yeah, Task manager pop ups have you ever think what’s the reaction of your friend when he presses Ctrl + Alt + Del and Calculator pop ups or nay other application. Here is the way to open any application by using Ctrl + Alt + Del

1. Open Regedit. (type Regedit in RUN dialog box)
2. Navigate to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\taskmgr.exe
3. On the right pane double click or create a string named Debugger and set its value to C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\calc.exe
Now, whenever you press Ctrl + Alt + Del calculator program will pop up.

5. Change the Default NumLock State

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard]
[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard]

6. Define keys on your Keyboard different functions

If you have a multimedia keyboard then you can change the functionality of your application keys like play, pause, mute etc key to something of your choice

In my keyboard (Logitech clavier media) I have a app key which opens calculator which I am going to change. You can use this trick to change any key you want; here I am changing the functionality of key 18 which opens calculator on pressing so that it would open task manger.

Navigate to

Here create or modify the string named ShellExecute and set its value to the actual path of the program which you want to open. In my case I have set the path
to C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgr.exe

7. Windows key combination

The Windows logo key, located in the bottom row of most computer keyboards is not only a shortcut for opening start menu but a amalgamation key of lot shortcuts have a look below-

1. Windows: Display the Start menu
2. Windows + D: Minimize or restore all windows
3. Windows + E: Display Windows Explorer
4. Windows + F: Display Search for files
5. Windows + Ctrl + F: Display Search for computer
6. Windows + F1: Display Help and Support Center
7. Windows + R: Display Run dialog box
8. Windows + break: Display System Properties dialog box
9. Windows + shift + M: Undo minimize all windows
10. Windows + L: Lock the workstation
11. Windows + U: Open Utility Manager
12. Windows + Q: Quick switching of users (Power toys only)
13. Windows + Q: Hold Windows Key, then tap Q to scroll thru the different users on your pc.

8. Cursor's Blink Rate

To control how fast the cursor blinks, navigate to
HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop
And change the value of string named CursorBlinkRate to anything between 1200 (slowest) to 200 (fastest) in milliseconds.

9. Swap Mouse Buttons

Navigate to
HKCU\Control Panel\Mouse
On the right pane change the value of String named SwapMouseButtons to 1.


Scared from regedit, no problem open RUN (WIN+R) and type
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL SwapMouseButton

and press enter.
READ MORE - All Hacks n Cracks part-1

How to change drive icons

Feb 25, 2009

So you want to change your drive icons but it is not that easy as in case of folder, you have to edit some registry settings for that.

The following tutorial shows you how to change the drive icon

Before starting backup you registry to know how to visit here

Understand what registry is from here

1. go to start>Run
2. type Regedit and hit enter
3. now navigate to
4. Now right click on explorer key and select new> key
5. give the name to the newly created key as DriveIcons
6. now your path would look like this
7. Now again right click on DriveIcons key and select new>key
8. Now this is important key, the name of this key should be the drive letter of the drive whose icon you want to change in order to change drive icon of D drive give the newly created key name D
9. After this your key should look like this
10. Now again right click on D and select new > key
11. Give this newly created key name DefaultIcon
12. Now on the right pane you will see a default string
13. Double click on it to edit it
14. here type the full path of the icon for e.g.
15. Click F5

Now you are done, in the above given way you can add icon to any drive just add the drive letter as new key as i have done for D drive you can do it for any drive you want.

for those who don't want to do above process i have posted the code for registry file below which will change your C,D,E and F drive icon to new folder icon.
Follow the below steps

1. open notepad
2. copy paste the below given code as it is
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



3. Save the file as drive.reg in desktop
4. now double click on it a confirmation dialog box will appear whaich will ask you do you want to merge the registry click on yes

and you are done

READ MORE - How to change drive icons

About Author

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Working as an Automation Analyst, Ritesh is very passionate about developing tools and apps. His profile contains a long list of tools developed for Windows and apps for Android platform.